Why Should I Get
My Water Tested?
It has been said that “Water is Life.” Your family drinks it; your children bathe in it; you cook and clean with it; you wash clothes in it. It affects every aspect of your life. In a society that is fortunate enough to have clear running water, why should you get your water tested? Isn’t it clean and healthy?

Before water enters your home, it starts out as surface water that has been imported by the water district. The water that comes into your home is sourced from the rivers, such as the Green River, as well as streams, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, springs, or perhaps a well. As the water travels over the surface of the land and through the layers of the ground, it picks up contaminates.
These contaminates include:
- Microbial contaminates – bacteria and viruses from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, and animal waste
- Radioactive contaminates – as a result of oil and gas productions, mining, and farming
- Inorganic contaminates – metals and salts which occur from human influence and urban runoff
- Organic chemical contaminates – synthetic and volatile organic chemicals which are by-products of petroleum production and industrial processes
- Pesticides and herbicides from agricultural use, residential use, and urban runoff
Clear doesn’t mean clean. Testing consistently shows contaminants in our municipal water sources. Getting a free water tests ensures that your family is safe from these contaminates, and that the water you drink is empowering your family to live long, healthy lives!